Predictors of patient self-report of chronic kidney disease: baseline analysis of a randomised controlled trial

Hannah Gaffney, Thomas Blakeman, Christian Blickem, Anne Kennedy, David Reeves, Shoba Dawson, Rahena Mossabir, Peter Bower, Caroline Gardner, Victoria Lee, Anne Rogers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background Improving the quality of care for patients with vascular disease is a priority. Clinical guidance has emphasised the importance of early identification and active management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care in order to maintain vascular health. However, awareness of stage 3 CKD amongst patients remains limited. We aimed to identify predictors of patient self-report of CKD to inform tailoring of conversations around CKD in primary care for diverse patient populations. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 436 patients with stage 3 CKD from 24 GP practices taking part in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluating a complex self-management intervention, which aimed to support the maintenance of vascular health in patients with stage 3 CKD. Potential predictors of patient self-report of CKD included demographics, stage of CKD, cardiovascular risk, self-reported co-morbidities, health status, self-management ability, and health service utilisation. Results Around half (52%, n = 227) of patients did not self-report CKD. Self-report rates did not appreciably differ by practice. Multivariate analysis revealed that female patients (p = 0.004), and patients with stage 3b CKD (p 
Original languageEnglish
JournalB M C Family Practice
Issue number196
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014


  • Kidney diseases; Primary health care; Self-report; Awareness; Predictors; Communication; Self-management


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