Probing the accelerating Universe with radio weak lensing in the JVLA Sky Survey

M L Brown, F B Abdalla, A Amara, D J Bacon, R A Battye, M R Bell, R J Beswick, M Birkinshaw, V Böhm, Sarah Bridle, I W A Browne, C M Casey, C Demetroullas, T En\ss lin, P G Ferreira, S T Garrington, K J B Grainge, M E Gray, C A Hales, I HarrisonA F Heavens, C Heymans, C L Hung, N J Jackson, M J Jarvis, B Joachimi, S T Kay, T D Kitching, J P Leahy, R Maartens, L Miller, T W B Muxlow, S T Myers, R C Nichol, P Patel, J R Pritchard, A Raccanelli, A Refregier, A M S Richards, C Riseley, M G Santos, A M M Scaife, B M Schäfer, R T Schilizzi, I Smail, J-L Starck, R M Szepietowski, A N Taylor, L Whittaker, N Wrigley, J Zuntz

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    We outline the prospects for performing pioneering radio weakgravitational lensing analyses using observations from a potentialforthcoming JVLA Sky Survey program. A large-scale survey with the JVLAcan offer interesting and unique opportunities for performing weaklensing studies in the radio band, a field which has until now been thepreserve of optical telescopes. In particular, the JVLA has the capacityfor large, deep radio surveys with relatively high angular resolution,which are the key characteristics required for a successful weak lensingstudy. We highlight the potential advantages and unique aspects ofperforming weak lensing in the radio band. In particular, the inclusionof continuum polarisation information can greatly reduce noise in weaklensing reconstructions and can also remove the effects of intrinsicgalaxy alignments, the key astrophysical systematic effect that limitsweak lensing at all wavelengths. We identify a VLASS ''deep fields''program (total area \ {}10-20 square degs), to be conducted at L-band andwith high-resolution (A-array configuration), as the optimal surveystrategy from the point of view of weak lensing science. Such a surveywill build on the unique strengths of the JVLA and will remainunsurpassed in terms of its combination of resolution and sensitivityuntil the advent of the Square Kilometre Array. We identify the bestfields on the JVLA-accessible sky from the point of view of overlappingwith existing deep optical and near infra-red data which will providecrucial redshift information and facilitate a host of additionalcompelling multi-wavelength science.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalArXiv e-prints
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


    • Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics


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