Properties of interconnected negative imaginary systems and extension to formation‐containment control of networked multi‐UAV systems with experimental validation results

Yu‐hsiang Su, Parijat Bhowmick, Alexander Lanzon

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This paper extends the properties of a positive feedback interconnection of two negative imaginary (NI) systems to multi-agent NI systems and proposes a new formation-containment control methodology relying on the characteristic loci technique. Inspired by recent applications of NI and passivity-based control techniques in the multi-agent systems (MAS) domain, a new formation-tracking and containment control scheme is developed for a class of networked multi-UAV systems. The proposed scheme offers a two-stage and two-loop control configuration where the inner loop uses a cascaded PID controller to ensure stable hovering of the UAVs, and the outer loop deploys a distributed “mixed” SNI and strictly passive controller to achieve the formation-containment objectives. This scheme works with a dynamic output feedback control strategy; hence, it offers advantages when the full-state measurement is not possible. In contrast to the well-known Lyapunov theory-based cooperative control schemes, the present one exploits the characteristic loci technique to prove the formation-tracking and containment phenomena theoretically. The paper also provides experimental validation results on a fleet of Crazyflie 2.1 nano quadcopters.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAsian Journal of Control
Early online date4 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2023


  • characteristics loci
  • consensus
  • formation-containment control
  • multi-UAV systems
  • negative imaginary systems
  • positive feedback


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