Protein secondary structure prediction using logic-based machine learning

S. Muggleton, R. D. King, M. J E Sternberg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Protein Engineering, 5, 647-657. An error was found (Leberman, 1993) in the selection of non-homologous proteins used to train the machine learning program Golem. The proteins 155C (cytochrome C550) and 2C2C (cytochrome C2 oxidized) have 43.5% sequence homology. Removal of the result for 2C2C (the most accurately predicted of the two proteins) produces a Q3 accuracy of 78% (no change) and a Matthew's correlation of 0.53 (a reduction of 0.04). Removal of 2C2C makes no difference to results for the independent test set of non-homologous proteins.Reference.Leberman, R. (1993) Protein Engng, 6, 547. © 1993 Oxford University Press.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)549
    Number of pages1
    JournalProtein Engineering, Design and Selection
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 1993


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