Publishing the Future, Then and Now

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapter


What is the future of the book? And, specifically, what is the future of books on art, design and architecture, and of cultural-critical publications? In this book - beautifully curated by young designers at the initiative of independent art publisher Valiz (Amsterdam) - book historians, journalists, artists, architects, curators, translators, designers, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, publishers, booksellers, historians and art-historians, critics, policymakers, editors, students, all shared our views, looking ahead five, twenty or seventy-two years (to the year 2100).
At times utopian, wildly fantasizing, at other times with realistic scenarios, in both text and image, this is an exciting publication for anyone who loves books and/or is involved in books and cultural content.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFuture Book(s)
Subtitle of host publicationSharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
ISBN (Print)978-94-93246-27-0
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Book History
  • Art History
  • Publishing Studies

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