Hywel Owen (Other), Graeme Burt (Inventor), Samantha Pitman (Inventor), Anastasiya Solodko (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The present invention relates to a device comprising a plurality of side-coupled radio frequency cavities. The device comprises multiple sections, each section having a main axial cavity portion and the sections being stacked in an axial direction such that the main axial cavity portions are axially aligned to form a main axial cavity through the device. A plurality of the sections comprise a partition extending across the main axial cavity such that the partitions are axially spaced along the main axial cavity of the device. The device comprises a side cavity for each partition and an aperture coupling each side cavity to the main axial cavity, each aperture being adjacent its respective partition and interfaces between the sections of the device are aligned through the apertures.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2018211282
    IPCH05H 7/ 22 A I
    Priority date17/05/17
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2018


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