Reactions of radium and barium with the surfaces of carbonate minerals

Mark J. Jones, Laura J. Butchins, John M. Charnock, Richard A D Pattrick, Joe S. Small, David J. Vaughan, Paul L. Wincott, Francis R. Livens

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    Radium-226 is a naturally-occurring radioisotope with potentially significant radiological impact and whose environmental behaviour is of concern. The reactions of tracer (0.1-1. nM) dissolved Ra and its chemical analogue Ba with the surfaces of a range of carbonate minerals have been studied. All of the minerals react with Ra but, whereas calcite, dolomite, strontianite, rhodocrosite, ankerite and witherite all show increased uptake with increasing Ra concentration, suggesting a coprecipitation reaction (hence with phase formation limiting uptake), siderite, magnesite and ankerite show behaviour suggesting simple sorption (with decreasing uptake as Ra concentration increases, or with no dependence on [Ra]). Magnesite, in particular, has a low sorption capacity. Barium has been used at higher (0.1-1mM) concentrations to enable the use of surface analytical and imaging techniques in addition to bulk uptake measurements. Although the same eight carbonates were studied, measurable uptake occurs only on dolomite, magnesite and siderite. For siderite and magnesite, there is an approximately linear relationship between the increasing solid and solution phase Ba concentrations, suggesting a simple sorption process. Dolomite shows more complex behaviour suggesting simple sorption at the lowest concentrations and phase formation at higher concentrations (>0.4mmolL-1). The latter observation is consistent with spectroscopic evidence for the formation of witherite. Surface analysis and imaging of the three carbonate substrates that react with Ba show a diversity of behaviour, partly as a result of using natural minerals in these experiments. Witherite is commonly formed as a surface precipitate although the presence of even trace SO42- leads to barite formation. The surface phases display a range of characteristic morphologies, and the surface structure has the effect of templating growth. The presence of even minor amounts of Fe (hydr)oxide phases as alteration products or precipitates on the carbonates is also important, since Ba has a strong affinity for these phases. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1231-1238
    Number of pages7
    JournalApplied Geochemistry
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011


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