Real World Escalated Beacopdac Delivers Similar Outcomes to Escalated Beacopp and Superior Outcomes to Response-Adapted (RATHL) ABVD, While Potentially Reducing Toxicity Compared with Escalated Beacopp

A Santarsieri, K Sturgess, P Brice, TF Menne, W Osborne, T Creasey, KM Ardeshna, S Behan, K Bhuller, S Booth, GP Collins, K Cwynarski, A Davies, M Furtado, E Gallop-Evans, A Hodson, S Iyengar, SG Jones, K Linton, N Martinez-CalleP Mckay, SK Nagumantry, D O'Mahony, B Phillips, N Phillips, JF Rudge, N Shah, G Stafford, A Sternberg, R Trickey, BJ Uttenthal, N Wetherall, AK McMillan, GA Follows

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2021

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