Receptivity of a high-speed boundary layer to temperature spottiness

A. V. Fedorov, A. A. Ryzhov, V. G. Soudakov, S. V. Utyuzhnikov

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    Two-dimensional direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the receptivity of a flat-plate boundary layer to temperature spottiness in the Mach 6 free stream is carried out. The influence of spottiness parameters on the receptivity process is studied. It is shown that the temperature spots propagating near the upper boundary-layer edge generate mode F inside the boundary layer. Further downstream mode F is synchronized with unstable mode S (Mack second mode) and excites the latter via the inter-modal exchange mechanism. Theoretical assessments of the mode F amplitude are made using the biorthogonal eigenfunction decomposition method. The DNS results agree with the theoretical predictions. If the temperature spots are initiated in the free stream and pass through the bow shock, the dominant receptivity mechanism is different. The spot-shock interaction leads to excitation of acoustic waves, which penetrate into the boundary layer and excite mode S. Numerical simulations show that this mechanism provides the instability amplitudes an order of magnitude higher than in the case of receptivity to the temperature spots themselves. ©2013 Cambridge University Press.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)533-553
    Number of pages20
    JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
    Publication statusPublished - May 2013


    • Boundary-layer receptivity
    • Boundary-layer stability
    • Compressible flows


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