Relationship between Knowledge Management Systems, Productivity and Quality Control: An Investigative Study

Mohammed Al-Dujaili, Professor Gabriele Lakomski (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The change from total quality management (TQM) to knowledge management (KM) represented a radical change palpable in the knowledge systems (KS) field. Therefore, the aim nowadays for all firms is not to choose between the two rather to find the right balance between them. This is because the balance can only grow insignificant as knowledge becomes the factor that distinguishes the successful companies from the failures. Accordingly, this study sought to highlight the concept of knowledge as an essential element to the industrial enterprises. Basically, KM is derived from information technology in which productivity and quality control are elements that control the survival of organisations in the marketplace. This becomes imperative as industries require creative thinking to generate high quality, productivity and excellence at the best prices as well as high flexibility in production lines. The availability of an effective quality information system has the potential to allow knowledge retrieval for knowledge workers in order to serve their organisation and follow through on investment in quality control teams. However, this research aimed to clarify the nature of the relationship among knowledge management systems (KMS), quality improvement methods and productivity. In addition, to measuring the impact of KMS on quality improvement and productivity in a way that creates a practical opportunity for organisations, the purpose is to enhance production quality levels. Practically, the knowledge variable is still considered the basic element of organisations. In other words, while case studies on KM have appeared in the literature, studies on how KM affects quality and productivity are lacking. The research will look into this aspect and with empirical form at implementing of KM by the industrial firms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation & Knowledge Management
EditorsProfessor Gabriele Lakomski
Place of PublicationKuala Lumpur, Malaysia /2011
PublisherMonash University
Number of pages585
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011
EventThe 10th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management, 15 – 18 February 2011, Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 413-423 - Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 15 Feb 201118 Feb 2011


ConferenceThe 10th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management, 15 – 18 February 2011, Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 413-423
CitySunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • Knowledge systems, Total quality, Total quality control, Productivity


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