Reliability Evaluation Incorporating Demand Response and Time Varying Thermal Ratings of OHLs

Mohamed Abogaleela, Konstantinos Kopsidas

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    Operation flexibility of existing power networks became a very challenging aim to all utilities. This is because the high uncertainty accompanied by load growth and generation especially due to the high integration of renewable energy resources (RES). Demand response (DR) is considered as an effective solution to improve network flexibility. This paper proposes a scheme of transmission system DR planning model at normal and emergency conditions with defining a weighting approach that prioritizes, based on the cost of interruption, the importance of each bus in the system. Hence, defining the proper operator's needed DR power participation from each bus. Moreover, the time varying thermal ratings (TVTR) for OHLs are combined with the DR investigating the added benefits on network flexibility and reliability. The impact of the proposed DR with TVTR model is evaluated through metrics based on system and nodal reliability indices through the Sequential Monte Carlo simulation approach on the 24-Bus IEEE Reliability Test System. A significant reduction of more than 20% is achieved for the Expected energy not supplied (EENS) and expected interruption costs (EIC).

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2018 20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018 - Proceedings
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)9781538666548
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    Event20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018 - Cairo, Egypt
    Duration: 18 Dec 201820 Dec 2018


    Conference20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018


    • Demand Response
    • Sequential Monte Carlo
    • Time varying thermal ratings
    • Weight index


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