Research with deaf children, not on them: a study of method and process.

H. Sutherland, A. Young

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This study addresses the design requirements and innovative data collection methods for a study that aimed to be deaf-centred and child-friendly. The approach was created for a 6-year longitudinal study of Sign Bilingual education from the perspective of eight deaf children who were educated using that approach from 9/10 to 15/16 years old. The research question was: ‘From the deaf child's perspective, what are the experiences, advantages and disadvantages of Sign Bilingual education?' This study will discuss the methods developed for the first element of the study when the children were 9/10 years old, using six interactive weekly workshops. These included video diaries, photography, peer interviewing, drawing, poster making and group discussion. The appropriateness for and adaptations made with respect to signing deaf children are discussed as well as the wider significance of this approach for children's research in general.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalChildren & Society
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • deaf children
    • deaf education
    • visual methods


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