Researching multilingually: New theoretical and methodological directions

Prue Holmes, Richard Fay, Jane Andrews, Mariam Attia

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper reports findings from an AHRC-funded project into the use of more than one language in research projects. Using 35 seminar presentations and 25 researcher profiles, we investigated how researchers from differing disciplines became aware of the possibilities, complexities, and emerging practices of researching where more than one language is used: for example, in initial research design, literature reviews, consent procedures, data generation and analysis, and reporting. Our analysis also revealed some of the challenges that researchers face regarding institutional policies, language choices, interpretation and translation practices, and the language politics of representation and dissemination. Based on this analysis, we argue that researchers need to account for the research spaces and the relationships these spaces engender, and recognise developing researcher awareness when researching multilingually. © 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Applied Linguistics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013
EventMethodological issues in intercultural, international and comparative research: Opportunities, challenges, approaches and future trends - Durham University, School of Education
Duration: 22 Apr 201322 Apr 2013


ConferenceMethodological issues in intercultural, international and comparative research: Opportunities, challenges, approaches and future trends
CityDurham University, School of Education


  • Research methodology
  • Researcher competence
  • Researcher education
  • Researching multilingually


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