Resonance ionisation mass spectrometry of krypton and its applications in planetary science

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A new resonance ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometer for determining krypton isotope ratios in extraterrestrial samples is presented. Laser heating is used to extract gas from mg-size samples. A cryogenic sample concentrator is employed. Atoms continuously condense on a 75 K stainless steel substrate at the back plate of a Wiley-McLaren laser ion source from where they are desorbed by a pulsed 1064 nm laser and resonantly ionized in the plume. A three-colour (116.5 nm, 558.1 nm and 1064 nm) excitation scheme is used. Tuneable coherent Vacuum Ultraviolet (vuv) radiation near 116.5 nm is generated by four-wave sum frequency mixing of 252.5 nm and 1507 nm pulsed dye laser beams in a binary mixture of negatively and positively dispersive gases (Xe and Ar). Isotope effects have been observed that reduce the reproducibility of isotope ratio measurements between odd-mass, non-zero nuclear spin isotopes and even-mass, zero nuclear spin isotopes. This can be minimised and stabilised by controlling the laser fluences, experimental geometry, and the population of the magnetic sub-levels of the excited atomic states used in the ionisation process. Once stability is achieved, sample-standard bracketing (during which the known isotope ratios of a standard are determined before and after the measurements of the sample under the same conditions) allows precision and reproducibility of 1 % for the major isotope ratios to be achieved in samples krypton atoms. Detection limits of atoms/isotope have been demonstrated, ratios of Kr in meteorites have been made with 5-10 % precision. Applications of the instrument in various areas of planetary science are also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)259-270
Number of pages12
JournalHyperfine Interactions
Issue number1-3
Early online date9 Jan 2014
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


  • nonlinear optics techniques
  • resonance ionisation
  • time of flight mass spectrometry
  • isotope analysis of noble gases
  • planetary science
  • extraterrestrial samples


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