Revisiting the 26.5°C Sea Surface Temperature Threshold for Tropical Cyclone Development

R. McTaggart-Cowan, E.L. Davies, J.G. Fairman, T.J. Galarneau, D.M. Schultz

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    A high sea surface temperature is generally accepted to be one of the necessary ingredients for tropical cyclone development, indicative of the potential for surface heat and moisture fluxes capable of fueling a self-sustaining circulation. Although the minimum 26.5°C threshold for tropical cyclogenesis has become a mainstay in research and education, the fact that a non-negligible fraction of storm formation events (about 5%) occur over cooler waters casts some doubt on the robustness of this estimate. Tropical cyclogenesis over sub-threshold sea surface temperatures is associated with low tropopause heights, indicative of the presence of a cold trough aloft. To focus on this type of development environment, the applicability of the 26.5°C threshold is investigated for tropical transitions from baroclinic precursor disturbances in all basins between 1989 and 2013. Although the threshold performs well in the majority of cases without appreciable environmental baroclinicity, the potential for development is underestimated by up to 27% for systems undergoing tropical transition. An alternative criterion of a maximum 22.5°C difference between the tropopause-level and 850-hPa equivalent potential temperatures (defined as the coupling index) is proposed for this class of development. When combined with the standard 26.5°C sea surface temperature threshold for precursor-free environments, error rates are reduced to 3-6% for all development types. The addition of this physically relevant representation of the deep-tropospheric state to the ingredients- based conceptual model for tropical cyclogenesis improves the representation of the important tropical transition-based subset of development events.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1929-1943
    JournalAmerican Meteorological Society. Bulletin
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


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