Scoping Review Protocol: Parenteral Nutrition Requirements in Adults with Chronic Intestinal Failure

Research output: Other contribution


The key aim of this scoping review is to explore the body of evidence related to Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) prescription requirements of adults with Chronic Intestinal Failure.

The objective of this review is to report the evidence for how parenteral nutrient requirements are determined and whether those with chronic intestinal failure receive recommended nutritional requirement dosages. The review seeks to examine the available national and international guidelines that exist to support assessment of HPN requirements in clinical practice.

Research Questions
How are parenteral nutrition requirements determined in people receiving HPN?
What guidelines exist and what evidence are they based on?
Do people with chronic intestinal failure receive recommended nutritional requirement dosages?
Original languageEnglish
TypeProtocol Registration
Media of outputWebpage
PublisherOpen Science Framework
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2023


  • Home parenteral nutrition
  • Intestinal failure
  • Nutritional Requirements


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