Search for Invisible Decays of a Light Scalar in Radiative Transitions υ3S→γυ3S→γ A0

The BaBar Collaboration

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    We search for a light scalar particle produced in single-photon decays of the Upsilon(3S) resonance through the process Upsilon(3S) -> gamma A0, A0 -> invisible. Such an object appears in Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, where a light CP-odd Higgs boson naturally couples strongly to b-quarks. If, in addition, there exists a light, stable neutralino, decays of A0 could be preferentially to an invisible final state. We search for events with a single high-energy photon and a large missing mass, consistent with a 2-body decay of Upsilon(3S). We find no evidence for such processes in a sample of 122*10^6 Upsilon(3S) decays collected by the BABAR collaboration at the PEP-II B-factory, and set 90% C.L. upper limits on the branching fraction B(Upsilon(3S) -> gamma A0)*B(A0 -> invisible) at (0.7-31)*10^{-6} in the mass range m(A0)<=7.8 GeV. The results are preliminary.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings, 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    Event34th International Conference on High Energy Physics - Philadelphia, United States
    Duration: 30 Jul 20085 Aug 2008


    Conference34th International Conference on High Energy Physics
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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