Separating weak lensing and intrinsic alignments using radio observations

L Whittaker, M L Brown, R A Battye

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We discuss methods for performing weak lensing using radio observations to recover information about the intrinsic structural properties of the source galaxies. Radio surveys provide unique information that can benefit weak lensing studies, such as HI emission, which may be used to construct galaxy velocity maps, and polarized synchrotron radiation; both of which provide information about the unlensed galaxy and can be used to reduce galaxy shape noise and the contribution of intrinsic alignments. Using a proxy for the intrinsic position angle of an observed galaxy, we develop techniques for cleanly separating weak gravitational lensing signals from intrinsic alignment contamination in forthcoming radio surveys. Random errors on the intrinsic orientation estimates introduce biases into the shear and intrinsic alignment estimates. However, we show that these biases can be corrected for if the error distribution is accurately known. We demonstrate our methods using simulations, where we reconstruct the shear and intrinsic alignment auto-and cross-power spectra in three overlapping redshift bins. We find that the intrinsic position angle information can be used to successfully reconstruct both the lensing and intrinsic alignment power spectra with negligible residual bias.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)383-399
    Number of pages17
    JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • gravitational lensing: weak
    • methods: analytical
    • methods: statistical
    • cosmology: theory
    • galaxy ellipticities
    • dark-matter
    • gravitational lens
    • cosmic shear
    • polarization
    • constraints
    • cfhtlens


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