Sequence analysis of isolates of Aspergillus in chronic and allergic aspergillosis reveal a spectrum of cryptic species

Felix Bongomin, Caroline Moore, Rikesh Masania, Eleanor Rowbotham, Ana Alastruey-izquierdo, Lily Novak Frazer, Malcolm Richardson

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Aim: To establish the prevalence and antifungal susceptibilities of Aspergillus cryptic species from respiratory samples. Methods: Retrospective susceptibility data on Aspergillus species cultured between 2015 and 2017 by ‘high volume culture’ (HVC) versus ‘conventional’ culture techniques. Results: Fifty-six (2.5%) isolates were identified as Aspergillus cryptic species by sequencing of ITS, BenA and CalM gene loci. Recovery was higher in HVCs compared to conventional cultures. Common cryptic species were Aspergillus montevidensis (n = 15), A. creber (n = 11), A. sydowii (n = 5) and A. calidoustus (n = 4). Eighteen (32.1%) isolates had minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ≥4 mg/l to amphotericin B, and 19.1–60.1% had MIC values ≥8 mg/l to the triazoles. Conclusion: HVC increases the likelihood of recovery of cryptic species. MIC values to antifungals were high.
Original languageEnglish
JournalFuture microbiology
Issue number14
Early online date12 Nov 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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