Serving the needs of marginalised groups in dementia care: younger people and minority ethnic groups FINAL REPORT

Gavin Daker-White, Angela Beattie, Robin Means, Jane Gilliard

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    Aim - The aim of the study described in this report was to examine the needs andprovision of services to people with dementia under 65 years of age and people withdementia from black and minority ethnic groups.Scope - The bulk of this report is concerned with presenting the results of around 100interviews with professionals, carers and people with dementia in the South West ofEngland.Methods – Qualitative interviews were conducted with professionals, users andcarers living or working in Bristol, Gloucestershire and Cornwall. The study wasframed by preceding literature reviews and a postal questionnaire survey of serviceproviders.Relevance - The range of people interviewed, and the use of different ‘case study’local authority areas within the South West, should mean that results find resonancewith users and providers of services throughout the United Kingdom.Original Contribution - The main original contribution of this study relates to theinclusion of the views of people with dementia from marginalised groups (and theircarers), whose voices have been largely absent from the literature to date.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of Publication
    PublisherDementia Voice and University of the West of England
    Number of pages123
    Publication statusPublished - May 2002


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