Simultaneous design of heat exchanger network for heat integration using hot direct discharges/feeds between process plants

Bing J. Zhang , Jie Li, Z. L. Zhang, W Kang, Qing L Chen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    A chemical or petrochemical site is generally made up of several plants that are linked together through
    process streams. The linking process streams are often cooled down in their source plants, then transferred
    into storage tanks, and reheated in destination plants. This repeatedly cooling and heating results
    in low energy-use efficiency and more area installed in heat exchanger network. In this study, we
    introduce a heat exchanger network superstructure based on stage-wise model for heat integration using
    hot direct discharges/feeds between plants, and develop a new mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
    model to simultaneously design heat exchanger network. Unlike conventional HEN design, the model
    can simultaneously synthesize heat exchanger networks for multiple plants, and be able to address
    variable supply or target temperatures of process streams. The objective is to minimize total annual cost
    of heat exchanger networks in source and destination plants. Three examples are used to demonstrate
    the performance of the proposed model and solution approach. The computational results indicate that
    the simultaneous design of heat exchanger network for heat integration using hot direct discharges/feeds
    between plants achieves a significant decrease in total annual cost when compared to the separate
    design of heat exchanger networks for source and destination plants.
    Original languageEnglish
    Early online date24 May 2016
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


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