Single-phase heat transfer in the high temperature multiple porous insulation

T. K. Lim, B. P. Axcell, M. A. Cotton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    An experimental study of steady state flow and heat transfer has been conducted for the multiple plate porous insulation used in the reactor pressure vessels of 'Magnox' nuclear power stations. The insulation pack studied, consisting of seven dimpled stainless steel sheets and six plane stainless steel sheets, was of the type installed in the Sizewell A plant. A large scale experimental test facility, based on the guarded hot plate method, was used for measuring the effective thermal conductivity of Magnox reactor pressure vessel insulation, which consists of alternate layers of plain steel foil and dimpled foil. The measurements were made both with the fluid within the insulation pack nominally stationary and with an imposed flow through it, simulating leakage through the insulation pack. The experimental conditions corresponded to a heat flux of 75-1000 W/m2, fluid pressures of atmospheric to 5 bar gauge, pack orientations in range of 0°-45° relative to the horizontal, leakage velocities ranging from 0.05 m/s to 0.20 m/s and inlet air bulk temperatures ranging from 18 °C to 290 °C. Local values of effective thermal conductivity of 0.04-0.23 W/m K were obtained for the above experimental conditions. The heat transfer modes in the insulation pack were conduction through the contacting metallic foils, thermal radiation across the gas gaps, and conduction and convection in the air. The effective thermal conductivity of the porous insulation increased with increasing air pressure, inclination angle, and air velocity. Buoyancy effects increased with increasing inclination angle and air pressure. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1352-1362
    Number of pages10
    JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
    Issue number8-9
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007


    • Guarded hot plate method
    • Heat transfer
    • Laminar flow
    • Porous insulation


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