Sinoatrial node function and the role of sinoatrial conduction in the typical atrial flutter substrate

Karan Saraf, Sanjoy Chowdhury, Wei Hu, Luca Soattin, Nicholas Black, Pawel Kuklik, Nicholas Jackson, Mark R Boyett, Jonathan M Kalman, Alicia D'Souza, Henggui Zhang, Gwilym M Morris

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Background: Sinoatrial node (SAN) activation and sinoatrial conduction pathways (SACPs) have been assessed in animals but not in humans. Objectives: We used ultrahigh-density mapping and simulated models to characterize the SAN and to investigate whether slowed SAN conduction may contribute to the atrial flutter (AFL) substrate. Methods: Twenty-seven patients undergoing electrophysiologic procedures had right atrial mapping. SAN activation patterns and conduction block were analyzed. The interaction between the SAN and the intercaval line of block (LOB) was analyzed, and right atrial simulations with different degrees of block were created to investigate arrhythmia mechanisms. Results: Fifteen AFL patients and 12 reference patients were enrolled. SACPs were identified in all patients with sinus rhythm maps. An SAN-adjacent LOB was observed in AFL patients. SAN conduction velocity was slower in AFL vs reference (0.60 m/s [0.56–0.78 m/s] vs 1.13 m/s [1.00–1.21 m/s]; P = .0021). Coronary sinus paced maps displayed an intercaval LOB in AFL patients but not in reference patients, which was completed superiorly by the SAN-adjacent LOB. Corrected sinus node recovery time was longer in AFL patients (552.3 ± 182.9 ms vs 325.4 ± 138.3 ms; P < .006) and correlated with degree of intercaval block (r = 0.7236; P = .0003). Computer modeling supported an important role of SAN-associated block in the flutter substrate. Conclusion: Ultrahigh-density mapping accurately identifies SAN activation and SACPs. The LOB important for typical AFL was longer in AFL patients, and when partial, it was always present inferiorly and completed superiorly because of slowed conduction across the SAN. Corrected sinus node recovery time correlated with intercaval block, suggesting a role for SAN disease in the genesis of the typical AFL substrate.

Original languageEnglish
JournalHeart Rhythm
Early online date9 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Oct 2024


  • Atrial arrhythmias
  • Atrial flutter
  • Sinoatrial conduction
  • Sinoatrial node
  • Sinus node disease


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