Sisyphus, the drosophila myosin XV homolog, traffics within filopodia transporting key sensory and adhesion cargos

Raymond Liu, Sarah Woolner, James E. Johndrow, David Metzger, Adriana Flores, Susan M. Parkhurst

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Unconventional myosin proteins of the MyTH-FERM superclass are involved in intrafilopodial trafficking, are thought to be mediators of membrane-cytoskeleton interactions, and are linked to several forms of deafness in mammals. Here we show that the Drosophila myosin XV homolog, Sisyphus, is expressed at high levels in leading edge cells and their cellular protrusions during the morphogenetic process of dorsal closure. Sisyphus is required for the correct alignment of cells on opposing sides of the fusing epithelial sheets, as well as for adhesion of the cells during the final zippering/fusion phase. We have identified several putative Sisyphus cargos, including DE-cadherin (also known as Shotgun) and the microtubule-linked proteins Katanin-60, EB1, Milton and aPKC. These cargos bind to the Sisyphus FERM domain, and their binding is in some cases mutually exclusive. Our data suggest a mechanism for Sisyphus in which it maintains a balance between actin and microtubule cytoskeleton components, thereby contributing to cytoskeletal cross-talk necessary for regulating filopodial dynamics during dorsal closure.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)53-63
    Number of pages10
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2008


    • α-tubulin
    • Actin
    • Cytoskeleton
    • DE-cadherin (Shotgun)
    • Dorsal closure
    • Drosophila
    • EB1
    • Filopodia
    • Microtubules
    • Myosin XV
    • Unconventional myosin


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