SkeletalVis: an exploration and meta-analysis data portal of cross-species skeletal transcriptomics data

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Motivation: Skeletal diseases are prevalent in society, but improved molecular understanding is required to formulate new therapeutic strategies. Large and increasing quantities of available skeletal transcriptomics experiments give the potential for mechanistic insight of both fundamental skeletal biology and skeletal disease. However, no current repository provides access to processed, readily interpretable analysis of this data. To address this, we have developed SkeletalVis, an exploration portal for skeletal gene expression experiments.

Results: The SkeletalVis data portal provides an exploration and comparison platform for analysed skeletal transcriptomics data. It currently hosts 287 analysed experiments with 739 perturbation responses with comprehensive downstream analysis. We demonstrate its utility in identifying both known and novel relationships between skeletal expression signatures. SkeletaVis provides users with a platform to explore the wealth of available expression data, develop consensus signatures and the ability to compare gene signatures from new experiments to the analysed data to facilitate metaanalysis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2283-2290
Early online date27 Nov 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


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