Soft metamaterials with dynamic viscoelastic functionality tuned by pre-deformation

William Parnell, Riccardo De Pascalis

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The small amplitude dynamic response of materials can be tuned by employing inhomogeneous materials capable of large deformation. Soft materials generally exhibit viscoelastic behaviour, i.e. loss and frequency dependent effective properties however. This is the case for inhomogeneous materials even in the homogenisation limit when propagating wavelengths are much longer than phase lengthscales, since soft materials can possess long relaxation times. These media, possessing rich frequency-dependent behaviour over a wide range of low frequencies, can be termed metamaterials in modern terminology. The sub-class that are periodic are frequently termed soft phononic crystals although their strong dynamic behaviour usually depends on wavelengths being of the same order as the microstructure. In this paper we describe for the first time, how the effective loss and storage moduli associated with longitudinal waves in thin inhomogeneous rods are tuned by pre-stress. Phases are assumed to be quasi-linearly viscoelastic, thus exhibiting time-deformation separability in their constitutive response. We illustrate however that the effective response of the inhomogeneous medium does not exhibit time-deformation separability, and for a range of nonlinear materials it is shown that there is strong coupling between the frequency of the small amplitude longitudinal wave and initial large deformation.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalRoyal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences
    Early online date18 Mar 2019
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • viscoelasticity
    • incremental deformations
    • effective moduli


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