Sound Literature: The Pedagogy of Reconnection through Student-Authored Audiobooks in the Spanish Curriculum

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This article is based on a case study I presented at the elearning Symposium 2014 and focuses on an undergraduate project which had received the Teaching Enhancement and Student Success Fund at the University of Manchester two years before. The project was conceived as an outreach activity complementing the final year core language classes and aimed at engaging students with both reading and listening to advanced texts and enjoying literature through weekly reading groups and audiobooks. Ultimately, through reading and creating literature, the objective was to foster students’ intercultural competence after the year abroad. It was thus a student-centred and task-orientated project involving the creation of an audiobook by its participants. To this end, different forms of technology were introduced, each serving a particular purpose and fitting into specific learning goals. In this article I will report on the use of tablet PC technology for marking and giving feedback as well as on the benefits of audiobooks for language teaching in the context of higher education, where they have not yet had an extensive use.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10 Years of the LLAS eLearning Symposium
Subtitle of host publicationCase Studies in Good Practice
EditorsKate Borthwick, Erika Corradini, Alison Dickens
Place of PublicationDublin
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9781908416230, 9781908416247
ISBN (Print)9781908416223
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2015
EventLLAS e-learning Symposium - University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 20 Feb 201420 Feb 2014
Conference number: 9th


ConferenceLLAS e-learning Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • audiobooks
  • literature
  • tablet PC technology
  • OERs
  • productive and receptive skills
  • creativity
  • student generated content
  • personalised learning
  • Intercultural competence


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