Evren Sirin, Bijan Parsia

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    There are many query languages (QLs) that can be used to query RDF and OWL ontologies but neither type is satisfactory for querying OWL-DL ontologies. RDF-based QLs (RDQL, SeRQL, SPARQL) are harder to give a semantics w.r.t. OWL-DL and are more powerful than what OWL-DL reasoners can provide. DL-based QLs (DIG ask queries, nRQL) have clear semantics but are not powerful enough in the general case. In this paper we describe SPARQL-DL, a substantial subset of SPARQL for which we provide a clear OWL-DL based semantics. SPARQL-DL is significantly more expressive than existing DL QLs (by allowing mixed TBox/RBox/ABox queries) and can still be implemented without too much effort on top of existing OWL-DL reasoners. We discuss design decisions and practical issues that arise for defining SPARQL-DL and report about our preliminary prototype implemented on top of OWL-DL reasoner Pellet.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCEUR Workshop Proceedings|CEUR Workshop Proc.
    PublisherRWTH Aachen University
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventWorkshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, OWLED 2007 - Innsbruck
    Duration: 1 Jul 2007 → …

    Publication series

    NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings


    ConferenceWorkshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, OWLED 2007
    Period1/07/07 → …
    Internet address


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