Sparsity-assisted Fault Feature Enhancement: Algorithm-aware versus Model-aware

Zhibin Zhao, Shibin Wang, Weixin Xu, Shuming Wu, David Wong, Xufeng Chen

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Vibration signal analysis has become one of the important methods for machinery fault diagnosis. Extraction of weak fault features from vibration signals with heavy background noise remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we first introduce the idea of algorithm-aware sparsity-assisted methods for fault feature enhancement, which extends model-aware sparsityassisted fault diagnosis and allows a more flexible and convenient algorithm design. In the framework of algorithm-aware methods, we define the generalized structured shrinkage operators and construct the generalized structured shrinkage algorithm (GSSA) to overcome the disadvantages of l1-norm regularization based fault feature enhancement methods. We then perform a series of simulation studies and two experimental cases to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Additionally, comparisonswith model-aware methods, including basis pursuit denoising and windowed-group-lasso, and fast kurtogram further verify the advantages of GSSA for weak fault feature enhancement.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions of Instrumentation & Measurement
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 12 Feb 2020


  • Algorithm-aware method
  • fault diagnosis
  • generalized structured shrinkage operators
  • social sparsity


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