Specificity of the monoclonal antibody 3H8 in the immunohistochemical identification of Candida species

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    Candida albicans has been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of adult periodontitis (AP). The diagnosis of Candida-associated AP depends largely on the identification of yeast and pseudomycelial forms in gingival tissue samples by using periodic acid-Schiff and Gomori methenamine silver stains. However, these stains are non-specific and also reveal confusing artifacts seemingly rather difficult to distinguish from yeasts. With the recent development and availability of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to various epitopes of C. albicans, for example Mab 3H8 which recognizes a mannoprotein, it is now possible to identify Candida in human tissue biopsies. To explore further the usefulness of this Mab in detecting Candida in periodontal disease the antibody was tested against a wide range of yeast species and strains and various morphological forms, grown in agar blocks at various temperatures and for various time periods. Furthermore, considering the location of the 3H8 epitope on the external cell wall of certain C. albicans strains, it seemed reasonable to determine whether the epitope could be expressed into the surrounding environment, further aiding the recognition of the organism in tissue. The 3H8 epitope appeared to be located at the external surface and on the septum between the mother cell and germ tube of some C. albicans strains but it was partially cryptic in the cell wall of other strains. Both yeast blastoconidia and pseudohyphae were labeled by the 3H8 antibody. Candida lusitaniae, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis did not posses the epitope. The epitope was expressed extracellularly by both blastoconidia and pseudohyphae of C. albicans. This Mab appears to be suitable for the identification of C. albicans in periodontal tissue and may provide further insight into the role of C. albicans in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of periodontal diseases. © 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)428-433
    Number of pages5
    JournalOral Diseases
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006


    • Candida
    • Immunohistochemistry
    • Monoclonal antibody 3H8
    • Periodontitis


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