Stabilization of proteins by enhancement of inter-residue hydrophobic contacts: Lessons of T4 lysozyme and barnase

A. P. Golovanov, G. Vergoten, A. S. Arseniev

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    Although the hydrophobic interactions are considered as the main contributors to the protein stability, not much examples of protein stabilization by rational increasing of this type of interactions still can be found in literature. This is partly due to the lack of proper theoretical "measure" of hydrophobic interactions and their changes upon mutations. In the present paper the molecular hydrophobicity potential approach is used to assess how the changes in type and the strength of inter-residue contacts upon single amino acid mutations are correlated with the changes in thermodynamic stability of T4 lysozyme and barnase mutants, and which factors affect these correlations. Mutations changing unfavorable hydrophilic-to-hydrophobic contacts into favorable hydrophobic were found to enhance the thermodynamic stability in more than 81% of cases, if these mutations do not create steric bumps and do not involve proline residues and hydrogen-bonded side-chains. Mutations increasing hydrophobic contributions (according to molecular hydrophobicity potential formalism) lead to increase of thermodynamic stability in more than 94% of cases for certain type of mutations (i.e., mutations not involving charged residues, Pro and residues with side-chain hydrogen bonds, when these mutations do not introduce steric bumps and do not involve strongly exposed residues and residues situated at helix N- and C-cap positions). For this type of mutations the correlation was found between the change in hydrophobic contributions of mutated residues ΔCphob and thermodynamic parameters ΔTm (change in melting temperature) and ΔΔG (change in free energy of unfolding). Although the correlation coefficients were larger if the experimental structures of mutants were used for the calculations (correlation coefficients r ΔC,ΔT/exp = 0.85 and r ΔC,ΔΔG/exp = 0.87) than if the modeled structures were used instead (r ΔC,ΔT/mod = 0.74 and r ΔC,ΔΔG/mod = 0.76), the modelled structures of mutants in the vast majority of cases can be used for qualitative predictition of the protein stabilization. Basing on the analysis of mutations increasing hydrophobic contributions in T4 lysozyme the substitution matrix was derived, which can be used to decide which new residue should be put instead the old one to increase the stability of protein. The estimation shows that the number of potential mutation sites for enhancement of hydrophobic interactions in T4 lysozyme is quite large, and only approximately 10 per cent of them were studied thus far. Basing on the current analysis of T4 lysozyme and barnase mutations the algorithm for increasing of protein stability via increasing of hydrophobic interactions for the proteins with known spatial structure is proposed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)477-491
    Number of pages14
    JournalJournal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


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