Stratal Phonology

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This paper surveys current work in Stratal Phonology, responds to arguments against cyclic phonological derivations, and explores the morphological implications of the theory.

Section 2 lays out the principles of cyclicity and stratification. These make major empirical predictions, including Cyclic Containment, the Russian Doll Theorem, and Chung’s Generalization. Stratal Phonology differs from other cyclic frameworks in positing relatively fewer cycles. Recent proposals are reviewed which invoke independent facts to derive long-standing generalizations about cyclic domain structures: notably, the noncyclic status of roots and the recursiveness of stem-level domains.

Section 3 addresses the contest between cyclicity and output-output correspondence, focusing on English dual-level affixes like -able. I argue that containment-compliant analyses centred on lexical acquisition not only describe the phenomena accurately, but also generate correct empirical predictions that are not matched by accounts relying on output-output correspondence.

Section 4 assesses the morphological implications of Stratal Phonology. I show that the theory can derive the relative ordering of phonological strata without recourse to the Affix Ordering Generalization and that it can handle bracketing paradoxes without recourse to rebracketing operations. Stratal Phonology presupposes that morphology and phonology are distinct grammatical modules, and so favours nonlinear approaches to apparently nonconcatenative exponence.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Routledge handbook of phonological theory
EditorsS.J. Hannahs, Anna R. K. Bosch
Place of PublicationAbingdon
Number of pages35
ISBN (Print)9781138025813
Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 2017

Publication series

NameRoutledge Handbooks in Linguistics


  • Affix order, bracketing paradox, Cophonology Theory, cyclicity, dual-level affix, English, German, Indonesian, interfaces of phonology, lexical conservatism, Lexical Phonology and Morphology, modularity, nonconcatenative exponence, opacity, output-output correspondence, Stratal Optimality Theory, stratification.


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