Structural plasticity on the SpiNNaker many-core neuromorphic system

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The structural organization of cortical areas is not random, with topographic maps commonplace in sensory processing centers. This topographical organization allows optimal wiring between neurons, multimodal sensory integration, and performs input dimensionality reduction. In this work, a model of topographic map formation is implemented on the SpiNNaker neuromorphic platform, running in realtime using point neurons, and making use of both synaptic rewiring and spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). In agreement with Bamford et al. (2010), we demonstrate that synaptic rewiring refines an initially rough topographic map over and beyond the ability of STDP, and that input selectivity learnt through STDP is embedded into the network connectivity through rewiring. Moreover, we show the presented model can be used to generate topographic maps between layers of neurons with minimal initial connectivity, and stabilize mappings which would otherwise be unstable through the inclusion of lateral inhibition.
Original languageEnglish
Article number434
JournalFrontiers in Neuroscience
Issue number0
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2018


  • Neuromorphic computing
  • SpiNNaker
  • Spiking neural networks
  • Structural synaptic plasticity
  • Synaptic rewiring
  • Synaptogenesis
  • Topographic map


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