Studies of the material properties of nuclear graphite using the random finite element method

J D Arregui-Mena, Lee Margetts, D V Griffiths, Louise Lever, G N Hall, Paul Mummery

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    The Random Finite Element Method (RFEM) has been adapted to determine the effect of the spatial variability of material properties in an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor brick. The RFEM can be summarized as follows: (1) Generate a set of random fields; (2) Incorporate the random fields in a deterministic solver; (3) Analyse the statistical information of the response variables. Two different cases are proposed to study the influence of material properties variability. In the first case, a thermoelastic finite element analysis is employed to determine the effect of spatial variability of strains and stress distributions on a nuclear graphite brick. In this case, the chosen material properties are the Young’s Modulus and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. For the second case, a methodology is proposed to measure the influence of porosity on the effective Young’s Modulus of graphite.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationhost publication
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventThe 4th EDF Energy Nuclear Graphite Symposium. Engineering Challenges Associated with the Life of Graphite Reactor Cores - The National College for Teaching and Leadership in Nottingham, UK.
    Duration: 6 May 20149 May 2014


    ConferenceThe 4th EDF Energy Nuclear Graphite Symposium. Engineering Challenges Associated with the Life of Graphite Reactor Cores
    CityThe National College for Teaching and Leadership in Nottingham, UK.


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