Study of the neutron-rich nucleus Si36

X. Liang, F. Azaiez, R. Chapman, F. Haas, D. Bazzacco, S. Beghini, B. R. Behera, L. Berti, M. Burns, E. Caurier, L. Corradi, D. Curien, A. Deacon, G. De Angelis, Zs Dombradi, E. Farnea, E. Fioretto, A. Hodsdon, A. Gadea, F. IbrahimA. Jungclaus, K. Keyes, A. Latina, S. Lunardi, N. Marginean, R. Menegazzo, G. Montagnoli, D. R. Napoli, F. Nowacki, J. Ollier, A. Papenberg, G. Pollarolo, V. F E Pucknell, M. D. Salsac, F. Scarlassara, J. F. Smith, K. Spohr, M. Stanoiu, A. M. Stefanini, S. Szilner, N. Toniolo, M. Trotta, D. Verney, Z. Wang, J. Wrzesinski

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Excited states of N=22 Si36, populated in deep-inelastic processes produced by the interaction of a 215 MeV beam of S36 ions with a Pb208 target, were studied in the present work. γ rays from the binary fragments detected using CLARA, an array of 25 Ge Clover detectors, were measured in coincidence with projectile-like fragments detected by PRISMA, a large solid angle magnetic spectrometer. Two new γ-ray photopeaks at energies of 1442 and 842 keV were observed and tentatively assigned to the 4+→2+ and 6+→4+ transitions, respectively. The systematics of the level structures of N=22 isotones are presented, and a comparison is made of the behavior of Si, Mg, and S isotopes. The level structure of Si36 is also compared with the results of sdpf shell model calculations. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number014311
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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