Synchrotron-laser pump-probe luminescence spectroscopy: Correlation of electronic defect states with x-ray absorption in wide-gap solids

N. R J Poolton, B. Hamilton, D. A. Evans

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The potential for synchrotron-laser pump-probe luminescence measurements to provide a direct link between the chemical/structural properties of light emitting wide band-gap solids and optically active electronic trapping states is evaluated. Initial results are presented that demonstrate the various excitation and relaxation processes involved, whereby the synchrotron pump provides the chemical/structural information, and the laser probes both radiative and non-radiative electronic trapping states. The examples described here demonstrate that the laser probe may quench, be neutral, or enhance the synchrotron-pumped luminescence of the wide band-gap materials boron nitride, SiO2 and Na0.7Ca0.3Al1.3Si 2.7O8, respectively. Consideration is given to the potential of the method to provide a general route to the analysis of single components in heterogeneous systems. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1478-1484
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 7 May 2005


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