Synthesis, structure and properties of a semivalent iron oxoborate, Fe2OBO3

J P Attfield, A M T Bell, L M Rodriguez-Martinez, J M Greneche, R Retoux, R J Cernik, J F Clarke, D A Perkins

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Transition metal oxoborates are of interest for magnetic and optical properties. Crystals of many MII2MIIIO2BO3 and MIIMIIIOBO3 materials can be grown from borate fluxes. In the FeII-FeIII-B-O system, flux growth results in Fe3O2BO3 crystals, but solid state reaction at higher temps. has yielded Fe2OBO3 as a polycryst. powder. This was characterized by synchrotron and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy, Mossbauer spectroscopy, cond. and magnetic measurements. Two notable transitions occur, a broad semiconductor-semiconductor change accompanied by a structural transition at 317 K, and L-type ferrimagnetic order below a Curie temp. of 155 K. An av. (Fe2+)0.5(Fe3+)0.5 valence is obsd. at the two crystallog. distinct sites in Fe2OBO3, indicating that charge ordering occurs. [on SciFinder(R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)205-209
    Number of pages5
    JournalJ. Mater. Chem.
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1999


    • Magnetic transition
    • Mossbauer effect
    • Structural phase transition (in iron oxoborate)
    • Crystal structure
    • Electric resistance (of iron oxoborate)
    • crystal structure iron oxoborate
    • iron oxoborate prepn structure property
    • Mossbauer spectrum iron oxoborate
    • resistivity iron oxoborate
    • magnetic ordering transition iron oxoborate
    • phase transition structural iron oxoborate


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