The Charcot foot in diabetes

Lee C. Rogers, Robert G. Frykberg, David G. Armstrong, Andrew J M Boulton, Michael Edmonds, Georges Ha Van, Agnes Hartemann, Frances Game, William Jeffcoate, Alexandra Jirkovska, Edward Jude, Stephan Morbach, William B. Morrison, Michael Pinzur, Dario Pitocco, Lee Sanders, Dane K. Wukich, Luigi Uccioli, LC Rogers, RG FrykbergDG Armstrong, GH Van, WB Morrison, DK Wukich

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The diabetic Charcot foot syndrome is a serious and potentially limb-threatening lower-extremity complication of diabetes. First described in 1883, this enigmatic condition continues to challenge even the most experienced practitioners. Now considered an inflammatory syndrome, the diabetic Charcot foot is characterized by varying degrees of bone and joint disorganization secondary to underlying neuropathy, trauma, and perturbations of bone metabolism. An international task force of experts was convened by the American Diabetes Association and the American Podiatric Medical Association in January 2011 to summarize available evidence on the pathophysiology, natural history, presentations, and treatment recommendations for this entity. © 2011 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Podiatric Medical Association.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2123-2129
    Number of pages6
    JournalDiabetes Care
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011


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