The clinical and cost-effectiveness of the BRinging Information and Guided Help Together (BRIGHT) intervention for the self-management support of people with stage 3 chronic kidney disease in primary care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Christian Blickem, Tom Blakeman, Anne Kennedy, Peter Bower, David Reeves, Caroline Gardner, Victoria Lee, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Gerry Richardson, Helen Brooks, Shoba Dawson, Rahena Mossabir, Praksha Jariwala, Angela Swallow, Evan Kontopantelis, Hannah Gaffney, Nicola Small, Eldon Spackman, Anne Rogers, G Gardner

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    Improving the quality of care for people with vascular disease is a key priority. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has recently been included as a target condition for general practices to add to registers of chronic conditions as part of the Quality and Outcome Framework. This paper outlines the implementation and evaluation of a self-management intervention involving an information guidebook, tailored access to local resources and telephone support for people with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. The study involves a multi-site, longitudinal patient-level randomized controlled trial. The study will evaluate the clinical use and cost-effectiveness of a complex self-management intervention for people with stage 3 chronic kidney disease in terms of self-management capacity, health-related quality of life and blood pressure control compared to care as usual. We describe the methods of the patient-level randomized controlled trial. The management of chronic kidney disease is a developing area of research. The BRinging Information and Guided Help Together (BRIGHT) trial aims to provide evidence that a complementary package of support for people with vascular disease that targets both clinical and social need broadens the opportunities of self-management support by addressing problems related to social disadvantage. Trial registration reference: ISRCTN45433299.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number28
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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