The Deep Mapping of Pennine Street: A Cartographic Fiction

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Pennine Street is a cartographic art experiment, twinning High Street 2012 in London with the Pennine Way, a long-distance footpath running between the Peak District and the Scottish Borders. Pennine Street was initially prompted by the London 2012 Olympic spectacle; more specifically, by the militarization of the Games through the proposed deployment of surface-to-air missiles at sites in London. The project initially took the form of three organized walks along the route of High Street 2012, from Aldgate to Stratford. Readings were made while walking on each occasion, and both photographic and textual collages emerged out of the initial walks. The project engages the idea of trespass as a political action, as both potent and futile, and traces the development of modes of photographic and textual “trespass”, or transgression. Textual collage is employed to investigate the possibility of articulating Pennine Street as a “space-between” the empirical and the imagined.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)760-774
Number of pages15
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2015


  • deep mapping
  • cartography
  • cartographic art
  • trespass
  • collage
  • quotation
  • textual collage


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