The Drug Treatment Outcomes Research study (DTORS): Cost-effectiveness analysis.

L Davies, Andrew Jones, G Vamvakas, R Dubourg, Michael Donmall

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Drug Treatment Outcomes Research Study (DTORS)assessed the outcomes, costs and benefits of drugtreatment in England.Results obtained in the study were variable and affected bya very small number of outliers. However, they providedevidence that treatment was effective in improving healthstatus and in reducing the costs of other health and socialcare services. Overall, the net benefits of structured drugtreatment were estimated to be positive, both overall andat the individual level in around 80 per cent of cases, with abenefit-cost ratio of approximately 2.5:1. Small sample sizeprevented the estimation of robust net benefits for samplesubgroups. However, the results are broadly generalisableto the population of people seeking structured drugtreatment in England and Wales.There were limitations to the analysis, due to missingobservations and follow-up data, and the use of self-reportdata to estimate service use, offending and health status.The absence of a control group not receiving treatmentalso means that it is not possible to ascribe with a highdegree of confidence any observed changes in outcomesto structured drug treatment specifically.DTORS participants were individuals who had receivedtriage and a care plan for drug treatment, and not all ofthese would have taken up or completed their courses oftreatment. The reported results reflect the average over allindividuals. Further, the analysis does not include the costsof ancillary services which might have been received priorto accessing treatment, for instance the costs of triage andcare plans. More significantly, the costs of referral throughschemes such as the Drug Interventions Programme arealso excluded
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherHome Office
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009

Publication series

NameHome Office Research Reports
PublisherThe Home Office


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