The effect of solid solution and gamma prime on the deformation modes in Ni-based superalloys

Allan Harte, Michael Atkinson, Albert Smith, Carsten Drouven, S. Zaefferer, João Quinta da Fonseca, Michael Preuss

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Understanding the deformation, strengthening and failure mechanisms in polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys is necessary to develop next generation alloys for application in highly demanding environments. Here, the aim is to examine the various ways in which solution- and γ’precipitation-strengthening affect the deformation behaviour of three Ni-based superalloys through deformation mapping and investigation at multiple length-scales. This is achieved using high-resolution digital image correlation to quantify local strain, electron backscattered diffraction for lattice rotations and electron channelling contrast imaging to investigate dislocation-mediated mechanisms of deformation. This approach bridges the gap between nano-scale microscopy of dislocation-γ’ interactions and macro-scale measurements of mechanical properties, such as yield stress, flow stress and the strain-harden ingrate. Deformation in solution strengthened alloys progresses by a slip band refinement mechanism, which results in low levels of dislocation pile up at grain boundaries and so better grain deformation compatibility with neighbours. Deformation in theγ’-strengthened alloys evolves through a glide plane softening mechanism and the resulting high strain localisation impinges on grain boundaries, creating diffuse strain regions at the boundary. In the coarse -γ’ variant there is more Orowan looping and cross slip around larger precipitates, more slip planes are active and more grain-scale cross slip takes place, resulting in greater local friction stresses and therefore greater macroscopic flow stresses and strain-hardening rates.We provide evidence of greater interaction between intersecting non co-planar slip bands in the γ’- strengthened alloys, which contributes to the strain-hardening by progressively decreasing the slip distance. This mechanism is not observed in the solution strengthened alloy.
Original languageEnglish
JournalActa Materialia
Early online date15 Apr 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Apr 2020


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