The GRaBS Adaptation Action Planning Toolkit

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


The GRaBS Adaptation Action Planning Support System is an interactive web-based mapping tool to assist different tiers of government support the development of climate change Adaptation Action Plans across Europe. The tool allows stakeholders to:1) assess vulnerability to climate change using a range of spatial data provided by the project partners.2) highlight locations where action may be required to adapt to a changing climate.3) supports the development of Adaptation Action Plans.4) brings together, for the first time, EU level climate change data5) uses OpenSource software and can be replicated in other places.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Eventother; 1824-01-01 - Recorded in the Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, University of Manchester
Duration: 1 Jan 1824 → …


  • climate change, GIS, spatial decision support


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