The IL-17A-neutrophil axis promotes epithelial cell IL-33 production during nematode lung migration

Jesuthas Ajendra, Pedro h. Papotto, James e. Parkinson, Rebecca j. Dodd, André l. Bombeiro, Stella Pearson, Brian h.k. Chan, Julie c. Ribot, Henry j. Mcsorley, Tara e. Sutherland, Judith e. Allen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The early migratory phase of pulmonary helminth infections is characterized by tissue injury leading to the release of the alarmin IL-33 and subsequent induction of type 2 immune responses. We recently described a role for IL-17A, through suppression of IFNγ, as an important inducer of type 2 responses during infection with the lung-migrating rodent nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Here, we aimed to investigate the interaction between IL-17A and IL-33 during the early lung migratory stages of N. brasiliensis infection. In this brief report, we demonstrate that deficiency of IL-17A leads to impaired IL-33 expression and secretion early in infection, independent of IL-17A suppression of IFNγ. Neutrophil-depletion experiments, which dramatically reduce lung injury, revealed that neutrophils are primarily responsible for the IL-17A-dependent release of IL-33 into the airways. Taken together, our results reveal an IL-17A-neutrophil-axis that can drive IL-33 during helminth infection, highlighting an additional pathway by which IL-17A regulates pulmonary type 2 immunity.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMucosal Immunology
Early online date30 Sept 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 30 Sept 2023


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