The Intricate Love Affairs between MoS2 and Metallic Substrates

Matej Velicky, Gavin E Donnelly , William R Hendren, William J I DeBenedetti, Melissa A Hines, Konstantin Novoselov, Hector D Abruna, Fumin Huang, Otakar Frank

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Mechanical exfoliation yields high‐quality 2D materials but is challenging to scale up due to the small lateral size and low yield of the exfoliated crystals. Gold‐mediated exfoliation of macroscale monolayer MoS2 and related crystals addresses this problem. However, it remains unclear whether this method can be extended to other metals. Herein, mechanical exfoliation of MoS2 on a range of metallic substrates is studied. It is found that Au outperforms all the other metals in their ability to exfoliate macroscale monolayer MoS2. This is rationalized by gold's ability to resist oxidation, which is compromised on other metals and leads to a weakened binding with MoS2. An anomalously high monolayer yield found for Ag suggests that the large interfacial strain in the metal–MoS2 heterostructures measured by Raman spectroscopy also is a critical factor facilitating the exfoliation, while the relative differences in the metal–MoS2 binding play only a minor role. These results provide a new incentive for investigations of 2D material‐substrate combinations applicable where high‐quality 2D crystals of macroscopic dimensions are of importance.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvanced Materials Interfaces
Early online date13 Oct 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Oct 2020


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