The invariant measure of PushASEP with a wall and point-to-line last passage percolation

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We consider an interacting particle system on the lattice involving pushing and blocking interactions, called PushASEP, in the presence of a wall at the origin. We show that the invariant measure of this system is equal in distribution to a vector of point-to-line last passage percolation times in a random geometrically distributed environment. The largest co-ordinates in both of these vectors are equal in distribution to the all-time supremum of a non-colliding random walk.

Original languageEnglish
Article number92
JournalElectronic Journal of Probability
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2021


  • Interacting particle systems
  • Non-colliding random walks
  • Point-to-line last passage percolation
  • Symplectic Schur functions


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