The Jōnenji Cherry Blossom Festival: Vignette for Salvage and Salvation: Religion and Disaster Relief in Asia, special issue of Asian Ethnology 75(1)

Tim Graf (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


This clip traces the development of the Cherry Blossom Festival at Jōnenji, a Pure Land Buddhist temple in the tsunami-stricken city of Kesennuma that functioned as a refuge center for several months in 2011. Clergy and lay volunteers, who provided material and spiritual support at the temple in the wake of the tsunami, initiated and organized the festival in 2012. It has since grown into a major event that, besides commemorating the tragic events of 3.11, provides an important opportunity for recreation in the disaster zone.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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