The Making of Elite Women. Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea

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This book is a thorough study about the upcoming of elite women in Eritrea, encompassing the time of the armed struggle for liberation as well as its aftermath up to the tenth anniversary of Eritrean independence in 2001 and beyond. It is a multi-disciplinary study, combining a comprehensive analysis of Eritrean history, society and political developments with extensive case study research into the lives of different groups of elite women. Modernisation processes created by the Eritrean revolution fostered an environment in which women are regarded as equal and encouraged to occupy positions of leadership. At the same time, the revolution's hegemonic ideology does not envisage women opting out of its version of modernity, thus new avenues open up only for those who subscribe to the revolution's narrative of progress. Furthermore, it is argued that while the Eritrean revolution played a decisive role in opening up possibilities for women's emancipation, a failure to implement democratic structures of governance puts the revolution's societal achievements at risk - its legacy might well rest with possibilities of personal liberation in individual lives.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBoston and Leiden
Number of pages306
ISBN (Print)9004142878
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Publication series

NameAfrika-Studiecentrum Series
PublisherBrill Publishers

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Global Development Institute


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