The Mechanics of Reinforcement of Polymers by Graphene Nanoplatelets

Robert Young, Mufeng Liu, Ian Kinloch, Suhao Li, Xin Zhao, Cristina Valles, Dimitrios Papageorgiou

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    A detailed study has been undertaken of the mechanisms of stress transfer in polymeric matrices with different values of Young’s modulus, Em, reinforced by graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs). For each material, the Young’s modulus of the graphene filler, Ef, has been determined using the rule of mixtures and it is found to scale with the value of Em. Additionally stress-induced Raman bands shifts for the different polymer matrices show different levels of stress transfer from the polymer matrix to the GNPs, which again scale with Em. A theory has been developed to predict the stiffness of the bulk nanocomposites from the mechanics of stress transfer from the matrix to the GNP reinforcement based upon the shear-lag deformation of individual graphene nanoplatelets. Overall it is found that it is only possible to realise the theoretical Young’s modulus of graphene of 1.05 TPa for discontinuous nanoplatelets as Em approaches 1 TPa; the effective modulus of the reinforcement will always be less for lower values of Em. For flexible polymeric matrices the level of reinforcement is independent of the graphene Young’s modulus and, in general, the best reinforcement will be obtained in nanocomposites with strong graphene-polymer interfaces and aligned nanoplatelets with high aspect ratios.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)110
    Number of pages116
    JournalComposites Science and Technology
    Early online date11 Nov 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Jan 2018


    • graphene, nanocomposites
    • elastic properties, modelling
    • Raman spectroscopy

    Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

    • National Graphene Institute


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