The nonlinear eigenvalue problem

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    Nonlinear eigenvalue problems arise in a variety of science and engineering applications, and in the past ten years there have been numerous breakthroughs
    in the development of numerical methods. This article surveys nonlinear
    eigenvalue problems associated with matrix-valued functions which depend
    nonlinearly on a single scalar parameter, with a particular emphasis on their
    mathematical properties and available numerical solution techniques. Solvers
    based on Newton's method, contour integration and sampling via rational
    interpolation are reviewed. Problems of selecting the appropriate parameters
    for each of the solver classes are discussed and illustrated with numerical
    examples. This survey also contains numerous MATLAB code snippets that
    can be used for interactive exploration of the discussed methods.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalActa Numerica
    Early online date5 May 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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